August 19, 2023, 2 - 4 pm
Rivers Crossing Campground and Marina
508 State Route 89, Savannah, NY 13146
Join us for a leisurely, 2-mile paddle on the Clyde River to explore Montezuma’s birds, other wildlife and their unique habitats. The refuge is teeming with birds like the Bald Eagle, Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, and Wood Duck. The summer months are a great time to experience these birds as they care for their young and prepare for the autumn migration. Solo kayaks, personal flotation devices, paddles, binoculars and bird guides will be provided. Meet us at Rivers Crossing Campground and Marina, 508 State Route 89, Savannah, NY 13146.
Fee: $30/per person, $20/person if you bring your own kayak.
Email pplumley@syr.edu if you plan to attend.