Electric Buses for School

Electric School Bus
Bluebird Vision 2020 Electric Bus (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Informational meeting: September 19, 6-7:30 p.m

School Bus Event Registration

Each year, in May, most school boards in your district ask you to vote on replacing aging school buses. The norm has been replacing older diesel buses with newer diesel buses. The pollution created by these buses has been documented to put at risk especially our children and the drivers as they inhale toxic exhaust from the diesel buses. Many of our children now suffer from asthma and respiratory illnesses possibly caused by or exacerbated by the diesel fumes they must inhale on a daily basis.

Until this past year it was economically prohibitive to replace these buses with an alternative. Now, electric buses are available, which are clean, quiet and reliable.

Until now the cost was prohibitive, but now there are federal and state incentives which make the electric school buses available to school districts bringing costs down to the same as the diesel. What is more, the state is mandating that by 2027 all school buses bought will be electric and by 2035 no more diesel buses will be allowed to be purchased. We are advocating that each school district include at least one or two electric buses as part of the vote on the school budget in May.

In order to understand more about electric buses, as part of a lecture series our group is hosting a meeting with top experts to explain these possibilities and answer questions. The informational meeting will be in Fayetteville, New York on September 19th, but we are arranging for an opportunity for you to zoom in as well to hear this important session and ask questions.

Space may be limited both in person and online, so if you would like to attend this free event, please contact Rhea Jezer  and she will send you the link and any other information you might want.

Clean School Buses flier