Karl Palmquist - At Large 2022

I believe that science, policy, conservation, and justice are deeply linked, and that fact-based decision making must remain at the forefront of our organization. For the past two years, I have helped lead local efforts with this in mind as vice-chair of the New York City Group. With National staff and Chapter leadership, I have underscored the importance of grassroots, volunteer leadership, while unifying our collective mission at all levels of the Club. As Chair of the Group’s Nominating Committee, I helped enhanced our Executive leadership with 3 new members with diverse backgrounds and experiences. 
I am currently a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow at The Rockefeller University, earning my PhD in Systems Biology. At Rockefeller, I reinforce my commitment to local environmental action by designing and implementing a program where high school students analyze soil health in community gardens and advocate for policy-based solutions to preserve and promote urban biodiversity. 
As an At-Large Delegate, I will expand my current work as a member of the Chapter’s Farm and Food Committee and our NYS Soil Health Coalition co-representative. I will help build out our Chapter’s soil health and agriculture efforts, while also emphasizing healthy food availability and environmental justice.