Gale Pisha - At Large 2022

With each new report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and similar environmental organizations, it is clear that we only have a brief window of time left to keep our planet from even worse climate impacts than we’ve already been experiencing.
As co-chair of the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter (SCAC) Legislative Committee for the past five years, I have worked with our staff and volunteers to get legislation passed, like the historic Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, that will end the use of fossil fuels and promote a clean energy economy. 
This work involves helping staff to plan weekly committee meetings during the legislative session, writing bill memos to let our elected officials know our reasons for supporting these and other good bills to protect our air, water and open spaces, and speaking with legislators. I also compile data on chapter volunteer lobbying that our SCAC staff is required to report to the government. I attend weekly meetings to coordinate our legislative work with national Sierra Club staff related to their energy and transportation work in NY.
After serving two terms as an At-Large Delegate to the SCAC Executive Committee (ExCom) from 2017-2020, during the past two years I represented the Lower Hudson Group as Group Delegate to the ExCom. Throughout that time I participated in every ExCom meeting. This past fall I compiled a SCAC Leader’s Handbook as a guide to club policies and procedures for current and new chapter leaders.
It has been a privilege to work side by side with dedicated Sierra Club volunteers and staff on climate change, toxics, drinking water protection and other issues. I would appreciate your vote so I can continue that effort as an At-Large Delegate for the next two years. Contact me with questions at