Robert Heinemann - At Large 2021

I’ve been a Sierra member since 1985. After retiring from a 34-year career in the federal court system in Brooklyn and Long Island, I had time to participate more actively. I moved to the Hudson Valley in 2015 and joined the Mid-Hudson Group in 2016. I have been an ExCom member for MH since the latter part of 2016, and served as Chair of MH in 2018 and 2019. During those two years, I attended seven of the eight Atlantic Chapter meetings representing MH. I also have been the Legislative Chair for MH from 2016 to the present, and write articles for Mid-Hudson’s quarterly newsletter, Fresh Air, since 2017.
Global warming and air, water and soil pollution are the most significant crises faced by humanity in our lifetimes. The earth is rapidly reaching a tipping point caused by rising temperatures that negatively affect the oceans, agriculture, migration, and the ability of nature to react due to the speed of the changes. Plastic pollution, contaminated water and air pollution are increasing rates of serious diseases especially in economically depressed regions of New York, and throughout our country and  rest of the world.
We are running out of time to slow down disastrous climate change and pollution caused by human activity. I am determined to do whatever I can to preserve our unique planet and its environment for future generations. We need to work together toward that goal. There is no longer any time for delay. 
I’d be honored to serve as an At Large Delegate to the Atlantic Chapter. If you trust me with your vote, I promise to do my best to promote the environmental goals of New York’s Atlantic Chapter.