Candidate Statement of Mallory Rutigliano

I would like to express my appreciation for being considered for at-large membership in the Atlantic Chapter’s Executive Committee. Just over one year ago, I joined the Chapter’s Hudson River Committee, to consider issues facing the River and surrounding areas. Additionally I helped grow a Climate and Finance committee via the NYC group, focused on engaging and encouraging sustainability amongst financial professionals. 

I completed a Bachelor’s Degree at Dartmouth College in Biology and Psychology in 2017. I then worked at NYU School of Medicine on several research studies on women and minority populations. During that time I completed research at NYU in conjunction with the UN Office for Economic Cooperation and Development, focusing on global policies regarding nitrogen pollution in the air, soil, and water. Currently, I work on sustainable finance in New York. 

Recently I have begun work on an independent project related to sustainable agriculture, and see this as one important potential area of focus for the Atlantic Chapter in the next few years. Engaging local farmers and distribution networks in the wake of Covid-19 presents opportunities to connect funding incentives with sustainable practices, connect parties, and emphasize locally-grown food as a key to soil carbon sequestration, healthy humans, and many other key concerns. Additionally, I think it would be beneficial to focus in the next few years on extending one of Sierra Club’s core tenets of outdoor programming, both in the NYC area and across the state. Service- and volunteer-focused outings could be expanded to do clean-ups, trail-work where appropriate, and particularly child-engagement. Such programs would promote involvement in meaningful outdoor activities.