Candidate Statement of Bill Mattingly

I would be honored to serve as At-Large Delegate to the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, on behalf of Sierra Club members in the Finger Lakes and all of New York State. 

I lived in the Finger Lakes region for the last 16 years, working and raising a family. I am now retired and wish to increase my involvement with the Atlantic Chapter. My technical training includes a PhD in Materials Science (Cornell, 1995), and a BS in Chem. Eng. (University of Detroit, 1980). I’ve been active in the Finger Lakes Group for about ten years and served as a Finger Lakes Group ExCom member for seven. I am currently chairing the Finger Lakes Group. I was one of the founding members of the NY Water Sentinels (a Sierra Club program) and served five years as regional coordinator of about 25 volunteers, monitoring streams for hydro-fracking contamination. I served one year as Finger Lakes Group Delegate to the Atlantic Chapter. 

I see climate change as the number one problem facing the world. We must convert the world completely to renewable energy quickly. I have solar panels on my roof, geothermal HVAC and hot water, and an electric car. We must help make this a reality for all, regardless of economic status. We must constantly press our political leadership and help them succeed. I don’t want to be the generation that knew we had a climate problem, yet failed to make the necessary changes to keep our planet livable for future generations of wildlife and our own children.