So Much To Do and So Little Time

by Susan Lawrence
The accelerating clarion calls from world scientists and the devastating news of shocking natural disasters and degradation of our environment make clear that there is no time to waste. Our communities, our state, our nation, and the world, must combine forces to combat and even reverse global warming and climate change. That means acting on many fronts, small and large, no longer just step by step on some top priorities.   
Roger Down’s article in this Sierra Atlantic focuses on protecting our precious wetlands, essential to keeping our waters clean, storing flood waters, nurturing the life of much of our flora and fauna. The Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter has been an environmental leader for many years on wetlands protection.                                          
Lisa DiCaprios’ article on the concepts of “biomimicry’ emphasizes the importance of a nature inspired approach to taking action. 
Ellen Banks, Chapter Conservation Chair, highlights in her column initiatives of our Chapter’s groups on many fronts. You can go to our Chapter website to access the “Municipal Toolkit” with case studies of localities taking major steps to move to renewable energy, conserve energy, preserve and expand green space,  protect water supplies and much more. Volunteers were critical to this. 
Chapter leaders and staff will be sharing the latest developments and calls to action to implement the 2019 NYS Climate Leadership Act. Please watch our website and calls to action, volunteer to be involved and please share your contact information, including your email address, so we can stay in touch with you.