David Fischer: Onondaga County (Syracuse)

Having been a serious naturalist since childhood and now a grandfather as well as a father, nothing is more important to me than protecting the remarkable, highly evolved biosphere within which we coevolved -- a biosphere now in a crisis that threatens its survival.
I'm a mycologist, a former outdoors/environment columnist for the Syracuse New Times, and author of two university press-published books about mushrooms. I've been intently studying climate change and energy, particularly from an evolutionary perspective, since 2009, and working on public outreach and education about climate change since 2013. I'm acutely interested in the vital connection between environmental justice and social justice.
I'm proud to be associated with the Sierra Club, which I regard as the most vital national environmental organization. I've worked with the Iroquois Group for almost five years,
organizing and leading nature hikes, coordinating several buses for the 2014 People's Climate March, arranging for educational programs, and working on a community outreach project regarding LED bulbs in low-income neighborhoods in Syracuse. I've tabled a number of events, represented the Club at press conferences and rallies, and assisted with SC political efforts. 
I've participated at several Atlantic Chapter excom meetings as a delegate or alternate. I'd like the privilege of working more with this important organization at the chapter level.
David W. Fischer
Vice chair, Iroquois Group


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