Donate to the Chapter PAC

The 2018 fall election may indeed be the most important political event of our time. Our democracy is in grave danger unless millions of outraged voters take to the polls and thwart the Trump administration's rampant degradation of civil liberties, environmental protections and international relationships. The Sierra Club recognizes that we must use our collective power to elect new leaders who will hold Trump accountable.
In NY, much attention has been given to the apparent "blue wave" that will be washing over voting booths after the "red dam" in the State Senate has blocked key progressive legislation for years. In this important fight, the Sierra Club will be pushing for a "green wave" to elect leaders who not only support strong climate and environmental policies, but are immune to the financial influence of polluters, oligarchs and bigots. Experience tells us that regardless of who is in power, the sway of tainted money is ever present and more influential than mere party affiliation. Please help us counter this flood of dirty cash at the polls by contributing to the Sierra Club's PAC and volunteering your time and your voice.
Over the years, the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter's Political Program has helped elect hundreds of environmental leaders in New York and we will continue to focus our efforts to elect candidates who will fight to protect our air, water, and remaining wild places. Every dollar you give will go directly toward electing candidates to the NYS Legislature and local offices who care for the environment and who understand the impending climate crisis is more important than funding their own reelection campaigns.
So much is on the line. Please volunteer, organize, donate and vote! To learn more about volunteering on important campaigns, email our Political Committee Co-Chairs, Ed Berry and Steve Redler. They will be able to put you in touch with a campaign in your area. 
If you’d like to donate by check, please mail your check made payable to “The Sierra Club New York Political Committee” to 744 Broadway, Albany, NY 12207, along with a note containing your address in order to comply with New York campaign finance law, and a phone number or e-mail address we can contact you at if we have any questions.

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