Have your Town/Village/City Commit To and Work for 100% Clean, Renewable Energy

by Bob Ciesielski, Chapter Energy Committee Chair
This year the Atlantic Chapter and the Beyond Coal Campaign will be working to encourage local municipalities to pledge to 100% clean, renewable energy, and aid these municipalities in reaching their goals.  In its 2016 Clean Energy Standard (CES), the State of New York pledged to reach a goal of 50% of its electricity being produced from renewable sources by 2030.  Each commitment we obtain from municipalities to commit to work for 100% clean, renewable energy strengthens New York’s ability to require increased production and distribution of renewable electricity.  
Municipalities differ in size, dynamics, etc.  In most cases, however, obtaining an early pledge from Mayor or Supervisor to work for 100% clean, renewable energy will be sought.  Experience has shown that adding additional Sierra Club members into a program, along with members of other organizations with similar sustainable energy goals, helps build support in approaching a municipal leader to obtain a commitment.  Our Chapter and Beyond Coal staff have put together a number of suggestions and tools for the campaign.  One of these tools includes film Reinventing Power which includes a number of local sustainable energy success stories.  Your Group may want to screen this film for members and partners. 
After securing a pledge, renewable energy goals can be set for any number of targets including, for example, 100% of government buildings and facilities being powered by renewable electricity.  Some NYS examples are: 
The City of Ithaca, which currently obtains 100% of its government facility electricity from renewables;
The town of East Hampton which has pledged its entire electricity sector to be 100% renewable by 2020 and heating and transportation by 2030;
The Erie County government recently pledged that all its government facilities will be powered by renewable electricity by 2025;
In Westchester County, the City of White Plains and at least 15 other towns and villages now obtain 100% of the electricity from renewable energy sources under the Community Choice Aggregation program.  
Besides obtaining pledges, our local Group and members can work with municipalities to promote any number of State sponsored renewable energy and energy efficiency programs.  The “Community Solar” program which permits citizens who are unable to install rooftop solar units on their homes to purchase solar power.  Another State program is Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), currently operating in Westchester County, which provides the opportunity for a municipality to contract directly with its local utility to purchase renewable wind, solar and hydro power for all of its residents.  Residents may opt out of the CCA program, but the ever reduced prices of renewables provide an economic incentive to remain in the program.  NYSERDA’s “Clean Energy Community” program provides financial incentives to towns which accomplish 4 out of 10 renewable energy and energy efficiency goals.  The State also has over 200 communities involved in its “Climate Smart Communities” program, to aid in reducing energy consumption and reaching renewable energy goals.  
If you are interested in helping your own town or city to commit to 100% renewable energy, please contact one of your local Sierra Group leaders whose names and contact information is provided in the Atlantic Chapter website at www.atlantic2.sierraclub.org

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