Support the Chapter’s work in New York this holiday season!

As the year draws to a close, the Atlantic Chapter’s staff and volunteer leaders are reflecting on the past 12 months and what the state of things in Washington, D.C. means for our environment here in New York. 
To be honest, this year has been one of the hardest years in the last decade to be an environmental advocate, even in New York. Emboldened by actions in our nation’s capitol, big polluting interests, led by the fossil fuel industry, have manipulated the legislative process in the Empire State so elected officials work for them instead of representing us.
But the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter continues to be a strong, bold voice for the environment in New York because our amazing members have made sure we have the financial support to keep our professional advocates at work, as well as to support our volunteer lobbying efforts. 
This year is the first time we are sending our year-end appeal to our entire membership, something we usually only do in our March window. You may have already received your letter, or will be in the coming weeks. We hope we can count on you to pitch in by donating $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can give so that we can have the funds we need now to protect our wild legacy and move our state toward a clean energy future! You can send in your donation either with the form in your letter, or by donating online here. To make a tax deductible donation, donate here.
  • Non-Tax Deductible gifts go toward our citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts, including:
    • Lobbying and grassroots action on the many environmental issues in NYS
    • Support for our advocacy programs across the state
  • Tax Deductible gifts go toward:
    • the Atlantic Chapter's litigation efforts
    • work to empower our members
    • many conservation efforts in NYS
    • NOTE: Tax Deductible gifts made in 2017 can be used for our Chapter work in 2018 and beyond.
As a member of the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, you are the inspiration for our work and we want to continue our efforts in New York to provide a living environment that reflects our values. We hope you will help us. 
Thank you, as always, for all you do to protect New York’s environment!

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