
by Robert Withers, Rochester Group
Where are we? Where are we going? What is leading us there? Who is leading us there? Or is it the case that the fate of all lies in the hands of fools? Greed their measure of all.
Science has brought us to this place. And greed. 
The hard sciences yield life changing technology on a regular basis. Our lives and our power to change the world evolve at an accelerating pace. We, without doubt, have the power to destroy everything and sow chaos everywhere.
Do we have the power to stop that from happening is the question.
Aided by computers we can map the universe, the human genome or your voting district in great detail. We can study subatomic particles, how to catch all the fish or let our cars drive us around town. We can predict the weather, accumulate immense data on each of us or fight diseases. The accumulation of knowledge coupled with a powerful tool can achieve great things.
The soft sciences have also yielded life changing knowledge. Although the current administration wouldn't seem to know it. We know that prohibition gives birth to corruption while consumption grows. Mass incarceration gives birth to street gangs, terrorist organizations and ruined lives that burden our society for generations. Hungry children don't learn as well and that only adds to their and our burden. Education is the most transformative thing we can give a child. Educated citizens is the most transformative thing we can give our society. Trickle down economics only makes the rich richer and more powerful while accelerating the collapse of civilization. The list goes on.
Aided by computers we can map the human psyche. Given hundreds or even thousands of data points to correlate we can know you better than you know yourself. Thanks for checking in many times a day. The accumulation of knowledge coupled with a powerful tool can achieve great things.
Or it can be used to manipulate fear and ignorance. Sow doubt and confusion. Gain economic, social and political advantage.
Science has brought us to this place. Tools have no morality. It is up to those who wield them to possess that. Or not.
It is up to those who possess morality to not yield to the fools that measure all with greed. Not to yield to those wielding every tool only for self interest, devoid of concern for others or the future of all. Not to forget that we all stand on the shoulders of others and depend on each other to sustain our civilization. What there is of it. 
It is up to those who possess morality to not make willful ignorance a virtue. Not to succumb to the despair of stopping money and power with only your voice and your feet. Not to give up on the right to the opportunity for a bright future for all. Now and in the future.
We have a tool to defend ourselves. It is called democracy. But like a neglected body, it requires exercise to achieve results. Regular, informed and focused exercise.
Our democracy is dying and allowing the rich and powerful to place even the future of humanity in jeopardy. All that is required for their "success" is for you to do nothing.

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