Monumental Disorder

by Hal Bauer, PhD
Atlantic Chapter Wilderness and Wildlife Chair

In 1906, President Teddy Roosevelt first proclaimed a national monument under the Antiquities Act. Now this tradition is being qualified, and possibly rescinded.

In an executive order challenging environmental protection, President Trump directed Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke to “review” the status of 27 national monuments that have been designated under the Antiquities Act since 1996. Monuments have been supported by presidents of both parties.

Is the purpose of this review to rescind, resize or eliminate protections for these 27 national monuments? In addition, Zinke is possibly reassigning 50 experienced senior Department of Interior officials, including nearly a quarter of US Fish & Wildlife employees. This will thoroughly reorganize the department, which manages one fifth of all land within the United States, The Washington Post reported on July 6.

Resistance now is essential, as administration tests of our conservation ethic and advocacy will continue or expand. Please request the Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, to protect public lands from development — our 10 NYS National Wildlife Refuges, plus Seashores, Historic Sites, Scenic Trails, Memorials and our Finger Lakes National Forest — including the 27 National Monuments. He can be reached at 202 208 7351; office of communications at 202 208 6416; or visit him at the US Department of Interior, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240 and/or

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