Constitutional Convention Could Devastate Catskills and Adirondacks - Vote NO!

by Steve Redler
On November 7, 2017 New York voters will be asked to vote on whether there should be a Constitutional Convention to revise the New York State Constitution. The Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter Executive Committee urges a “No” vote.
The New York State Constitution, Article 14, contains the “Forever Wild” clause that limits development in the Catskill and Adirondack Parks. This clause prohibits development on State lands in the Catskill and Adirondack Parks. It is recognized as one of the strongest land protection laws in the world. Article 14 states: “The lands of the state… constituting the forest preserve…shall be forever kept as wild forest lands.”
The “Forever Wild” clause in the Constitution is what all environmentalists should be concerned about. Without the Forever Wild clause the Adirondacks and Catskills would be open to developers for building homes, stores, industry, highways and unsustainable logging. There are developers who would love to make a short-term profit by building and selling our forest lands.
If the voters this November approve the establishment of a Constitutional Convention, then in November 2018 the voters will have to elect 3 delegates from each State Senate District and 15 delegates statewide. Many of the delegates will most likely be Senators and Assembly members who already have established campaign committees. Wealthy donors will fund other delegates’ election campaigns because there are no campaign finance laws regarding delegate elections. In short the delegates will either be elected officials or individuals with money or backed by those with money. 
If the voters vote yes, then the Convention is established and the delegates can propose making any changes to the Constitution that they want. The final product has to be approved by the voters in 2019 or later if the Convention is still in session. A deceptive, well-funded campaign could distort the public’s view of the issues and destroy our forests.
The bottom line is that having a Constitutional Convention is like rolling a bunch of loaded dice. You might be lucky but the odds are against you – either through the unlimited funding of the election for delegates or the unlimited funding to campaign for the proposed changes to the Constitution. Instead of a Constitutional Convention, any needed amendments to the Constitution can be accomplished by two successive legislatures voting for a change and the proposed change then going to the voters. The Constitution has been amended over 200 times since New York State was founded.  
The Sierra Club is part of a coalition of groups opposing the establishment of a Constitutional Convention. Volunteers for phone banks, door-knocking, mailings, etc. will be needed to stop this attempt to end the Forever Wild aspect of our parks. To volunteer please call Steve Redler at 518 428-8993 or Ed Berry 914 393-6196, the Political Chairs of the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter.

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