The Power of Purchasing

by Bob Ciesielski, Atlantic Chapter Energy Committee Chair
As Sierrans, we’re aware of the importance of New York State meeting its goal of providing 50% of our electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030. Our 50,000 members of the Atlantic Chapter can be instrumental in making sure that this goal is reached through at least one important action — purchasing renewable energy produced from solar, wind, and/or hydro sources.
NYS’s Clean Energy Plan calls for the Public Service Commission to determine this year how much renewable electricity utilities will be required to distribute under the first phase of the plan. The larger the demand for renewables, the larger the percentage required of utilities.
The solidarity of our members is important to bring a sustainable, renewable energy economy to fruition. As Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Europeans made conscious choices to pay for energy independence 
Europeans consciously decided to pay more for electricity in the short run to develop renewables. The beginning of the European renewable energy movement was based on the desire to obtain energy independence, to escape wide fossil-fuel price swings, and the realization that a renewable energy economy can bring massive job, manufacturing and investment growth. Countries such as Germany adopted a feed-in tariff, which required higher payments by all ratepayers for electricity to secure these benefits. After the Fukushima disaster in Japan, Germany also decided to close all of its nuclear reactors within ten years, which added another incentive for citizens to support and promote renewable energy. The continued growth of renewables in Europe has consistently reduced the cost of clean electricity sources.
New York State residents have all the same reasons as Europeans to promote the growth of renewable energy as quickly as possible. We Sierrans have the additional incentive of realizing that the sooner renewable energy and energy efficiency can be developed, the greater the impact we’ll have on reducing the destructive effects of climate change.
Consumer Action
This brings us to what we should do with our own electricity bills. There are numerous ways that renewable energy can be secured. You may have already installed solar panels on your residence. Community solar projects are becoming more numerous and available throughout the state. If you’re not utilizing any renewable power at this time, we encourage you to go to your electric utility website to check on renewable energy options for your home.
The retail cost of electricity produced by solar, wind or water power may still be slightly higher than that of traditional fossil and nuclear fuels. However, the cost of renewables has reduced significantly in the past ten years, and is now much more at par with other fuels. In some instances, Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) can provide 100% renewable energy at comparable or even lower cost than traditional energy.
Let’s use a New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) customer as an example. The official website lists its clean energy program through Community Energy Inc. NYSEG estimates that an average residence in New York uses 600 kilowatt hours of electricity per month. You can purchase 100% New Wind Power from NYSEG at 2.5¢ per kilowatt hour. For an average residence, using 600 kilowatt hours per month, this would add approximately $15 per month to the electric bill, or $180 per year. NYSEG permits energy to be purchased in 100 kilowatt hour blocks, with a minimum purchase commitment of 200 kilowatt hours costing $5 per month. NYSEG estimates that purchasing 200 kilowatt-hours of wind-produced electricity per month is the equivalent of planting one acre of trees or reducing your automobile travel by 2,194 miles per year.
The same NYSEG customer may go shopping for renewable energy packages through ESCOs at Type in your zip code and several ESCOs will pop up, with prices, supplier name and length of contract period. Click on Details, and you will see the percentage of the electricity that comes from “green” sources, which exclude fossil fuels and nuclear. For example, in May 2017, Clearview Energy provided its 12-month Clear Green Guarantee 12 program for 5.59¢ per kilowatt hour. You can compare your present payment per kilowatt hour on the site. Depending on your zip code, the result may be a saving or a slight premium. The consumer can review the package at its expiration to check future rates. Some, especially in larger markets, may prefer the Public Service Commission's site:
More steps to increase energy efficiency
No matter which renewable energy supplier you decide on, remember that the cost of electricity supply is only a portion of your bill — service fees to your utility company are another. Also, additional steps of purchasing LED lights and Energy Star appliances to increase energy efficiency may very well reduce your home’s energy consumption to a point where you pay less for your annual electricity bill than you are at present.
Now is the time for our members to procure renewable energy, one way or another. Our actions this year may influence the Public Service Commission’s decision as to how much renewable energy the state will require under the 2017–2020 phase of the Clean Energy Plan. Consumer action is also obviously important to counter the efforts of the federal administration to promote the oil and gas industry.

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