Gale Pisha, 2016 At Large Election

Several years ago the threat of a desalination plant being built on the banks of the Hudson River drew me into becoming a nearly full-time environmental activist. The energy-intensive desalination process made the plant a climate change accelerator which would have forced residents to drink water containing trace amounts of radioactive elements from a river whose irreplaceable habitat would have experienced yet another environmental insult. Readers of Sierra Atlantic know from articles I have co-authored that our grassroots efforts were successful in getting the desalination project stopped; we are now advocating for a strong sustainable water conservation plan.

As Secretary and ExCom member of Lower Hudson Group and Alternate Delegate to the Chapter ExCom, I have been working for Sierra Club's environmental goals in many areas, including reducing fossil fuel infrastructure proliferation, promoting renewable energy, and advancing electric vehicle use. By participating in the national Sierra Club political trainings, serving on the Chapter Legislative Committee, and coordinating Lower Hudson Group's Rockland political endorsements, I have learned how to help elect and interact with good people who support our environmental goals.
I would appreciate your support to continue this work as an At-Large Delegate. Contact me at

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