Carl Arnold, 2016 At Large Election

As both vice chair and chair of Atlantic Chapter, I was part of a team that collaborated in all the work, including efforts to increase our fundraising, grow our membership, fix committees operating at only half speed, and get “siloed” parts of the Chapter to speak with each other. There are now closer ties with the Beyond Coal Campaign, SC Foundation and the NYC ICO (Outings).

I first joined SC to work against fracking — gave speeches, lobbied, wrote and edited materials, co-wrote the first legislative bill to ban fracking, was interviewed numerous times, helped organize forums and screenings, and contributed to the change in National’s position on fracking. I represented the chapter at the first two Chapter Chair Assemblies in California. My understanding of how the National Club works has helped enormously in dealing with Chapter affairs.

At present I’m collaborating with SC’s Northeast Region fundraiser and am Volunteer Coordinator for the Chapter, working to attract new and younger members to contribute fresh ideas and energy to the Club. Their enthusiasm combined with older members’ institutional memory and activism will help revitalize the Chapter.
To continue on this path, I’d appreciate your support. It’s essential for every member to vote!

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