Club: no more gas-fired power plants

The Sierra Club Board of Directors has approved a change to the energy resources policy, adding new gas-fired electric generating units to the list of energy resources the Sierra Club opposes. The new policy language, added to Section E, Resources Opposed by the Sierra Club, states as follows:

“Natural Gas:  The Sierra Club opposes new electric generating units powered by natural gas, including peaking and combined cycle units. Consistent with the board’s goal of eliminating all fossil fuels from the electric sector no later than 2030, it is critical that the U.S. avoid further high-capital investments in new natural gas plants and related infrastructure.”

This new policy follows the updated fracking policy adopted by the board in January.

The board’s decision was informed in part by supportive comments from the national Beyond Coal Campaign leadership team, which expressed concerns that “extraction, transport and burning of natural gas is causing significant environmental harm, including releasing large amounts of methane and carbon dioxide, and constructing new natural gas plants and related infrastructure diverts desperately needed funding away from accelerating the transition to 100% clean energy.”

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