Ken Baer At Large 2015 Election

We have had to deal with many struggles over the years; fracking, incineration of waste, lead poisoning, indoor smoking, inappropriate development, CAFOs, and construction of fossil fuel pipelines. 
Nevertheless, I have been a happy warrior, fighting to protect our sacred Earth. Considering this my primary duty in life, I do so with no hesitation, and try to see the next critical issue before it becomes a catastrophe. 
The rehabilitation and protection of our OCEANS is the next monumental issue. We need to recognize the danger our OCEANS are in, as we attain a CLEAN ENERGY ECONOMY.  
Naomi Klein exhorts humans to re-localize their economies. This cuts down on transportation, and is one of the reasons I oppose the TPP. The more global our economy becomes, the more it relies on OCEAN freight, which leads to greater OCEAN pollution.
As a Sierra Club activist I have engaged over 300 legislators on such issues as the ones above and below.
•  Lobbying the SC Board of Directors on fracking, to change Club policy so chapters can advocate for bans 
•  Educating people about climate change and the need to stop burning fossil fuels
•  Preventing state subsidies for the Cayuga coal fired power plant 
•  Initiating and fundraising for an anti-fracking radio ad campaign in the Southern Tier aimed at Governor Cuomo
•  Promoting renewable energy, conservation and energy efficiency 
•  Educating society about the dangers of severe storms and development in flood zones
•  Fighting proposed highrises in Brooklyn Bridge Park
•  Closing the Indian Point nuclear power plant 
•  Educating residents about CAFO’s
•  Demonstrating against the use of pesticides
My vision for the chapter is to have a greater public presence, attract new members, and recruit additional activists.  
I remain an advocate for animals, an avid recycler, a user of mass transit, and a vegetarian.