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The Sierra Club has launched its #ActInParis campaign in the lead up to this year’s annual international climate negotiations in Paris. Complete details are on the web at
What exactly is #ActInParis?
As many of you already know, the annual international climate negotiations—commonly referred to as COP21—will bring together 195 nations in an effort to reach a meaningful and just global agreement on climate action. This is the first time that all nations have agreed to take international action on climate, and we anticipate that this will be a moment to celebrate.
In the past, the Sierra Club has been actively engaged in the climate negotiations process, though in most years we have focused our work inside the negotiations to achieve specific policy outcomes and to ensure that the U.S. plays a constructive role. This year, with a headline deal on the agenda, the stakes will be much higher, and international climate issues will gain far more attention than at any time since the Copen-hagen meeting in 2009.
That’s why we’re launching #ActInParis—to bring awareness to the negotiations and show our support for meaningful climate action at all levels, from local to national to international.
• Check out the COP 101 #ActInParis video.
• Join our awesome photo petition—we’ll be taking your climate selfies with us to Paris, so snap away!
• Find out more about our Local To Global program that’s highlighting local climate action in our communities and towns.
• information about the National Day of Action which, at press time, was scheduled for Oct. 14;
• our international climate commitments tracker;
• more information on the climate negotiations; and
• a closer look at how global faith leaders are helping to lead the way on climate action.
Explore the website and resources and join the conversation on social media by using #ActInParis. The website will be regularly updated with new information as it comes in, and if you have any questions, please email

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