Fox, Teachout to discuss climate solutions at fundraiser

Josh Fox, director of the Gasland movies, and Zephyr Teachout, Fordham University professor, anti-corruption expert and 2014 candidate for governor, will speak on the solutions to climate change, the most urgent environmental problem of our time, on Sunday, November 8, at 3 p.m. in White Plains.
The event is a fundraiser for the Chapter’s Lower Hudson Group and the Rockland Water Coalition. 
Expect roll-up-your-sleeves organizing against expansion of fossil fuels and an inspiring vision for clean energy solutions, like no other on the planet! Also featured are great music by Bethany and Rufus and “A Solar Home Companion,” a mock variety show on clean energy solutions, plus a preview of Josh’s new feature film.
Suggested donation is $15. For details and tickets, please go to or  This event is co-hosted by Lower Hudson Group, Rockland Water Coalition, and Temple Israel Center Green Team.

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