Donald J. Hughes

Nominating Committee candidate

I have been active in the Atlantic Chapter since 2007, initially serving on the Executive Committee as a representative from the Iroquois Group. I have served as an At- Large delegate for one term. I serve as an assistant to the Chapter secretary, and currently chair the Toxics and Air Quality Committees, and serve on the Energy, Chapter Efficiency, and the Climate Crisis Committees. As an activist, I fought the construction of a trash incinerator in Syracuse, and have worked to promote the cleanup of Onondaga Lake. I have advocated for a variety of issues including fixing our decaying sewage system, more recycling, and bicycle-friendly streets. I have been active in the fight against hydrofracking and ending our dependence on fossil fuels. The challenge of global warming can be disheartening, but I truly felt optimistic when I marched with over 300,000 others in the People’s Climate March on September 21st. There is hope: solar power has reached the point where it can out-compete oil, gas, coal, and nuclear.

I have a master’s in environmental engineering (Cornell U.) and doctorate in environmental chemistry (SUNY-ESF). As a former Long Islander who now lives upstate, I try to bring a broad perspective on state issues. I welcome your support for a second term. Contact me at


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