Bob Ciesielski

Nominating Committee candidate

I am requesting your vote for atlarge delegate for the Atlantic Chapter ExCom. Over the past 10 years I have served as Secretary and Chair of the Niagara Group. For the past three years I have also served as Chair of the Chapter’s Energy Committee.

In Western New York we have worked to secure fracking bans in the City of Buffalo and Erie County lands, and in support of the ban on the importation of fracking waste into the City of Niagara Falls at the Niagara Falls Waste Water facility. The Niagara Group also promoted renewable energy on State and local levels as the true alternative clean energy and to oppose the development of fracking and a gas infrastructure in New York State.

While Chair of the Energy Committee, the Chapter has adopted a policy in support of 100% renewable energy in New York State by 2030. We have worked with the Beyond Coal Campaign staff to promote renewable energy Power Purchase Agreements, a demonstration Feed-in-Tariff on Long Island, local solar and wind power initiatives, and on other energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy conservation measures.

Thank you for your important work in protecting the health of our State’s environment, citizens and future generations.

Bob Ciesielski

Daytime: (716) 895-3367


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