The Sierra Club Endorses Zephyr Teachout for Governor



Contact:Kate Albright-Hanna or Aly Johnson-Kurts 
(202) 744-9813 or (802) 595-9593

Press Release: The Sierra Club Endorses Zephyr Teachout for Governor

August 25, 2014

In yet another surprising rebuke for Governor Cuomo, Zephyr Teachout picked up a new endorsement from the Sierra Club. This endorsement comes on the heels of the endorsement of the National Organization of Women. 

“I am so proud to have won the support of the nation's largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. We have a shared vision for a New York where those who oppose hydrofracking and fossil fuel infrastructure have their voices heard in Albany. We are excited to work together to move New York towards renewable sources of energy to build our economy and protect public health,” said Teachout. 

“The New York Chapter of the Sierra Club enthusiastically endorses Zephyr Teachout for Governor of the State of New York. Ms. Teachout is an articulate, engaging leader who will play a critical role in the resurgence of the Empire State, with a vision to rebuild New York through a robust clean energy economy and reinvigorate our democracy so that it works for everyone -- not just the wealthy and well-connected” said Jeff Bohner, Chair of the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter. 

“Teachout’s commitment to banning fracking and rooting out corruption in Albany is a welcome antidote to Albany’s longstanding political dysfunction that will earn her a significant following before theSeptember 9th primary. For too long in New York, toxic political money from big polluting industries has sunk major initiatives to protect our air, our water, and our families. Zephyr Teachout will change that dynamic by putting the interests of the public ahead of big campaign donors, and that is why the Sierra Club will fight to elect her Governor.”

The Sierra club Atlantic Chapter is a volunteer led environmental organization of 38,000 members statewide dedicated to protecting New York's air, water, and remaining wild places.



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