National task force seeks grassroots advice to meet the climate challenge

By Michelle Wolfe

Climate change. Those two words sum up the most troubling issue facing our planet today.  The truth is that the science is replete with doom-and-gloom scenarios, and many people feel discouraged and apathetic. The Sierra Club has responded to this challenge, and is actively working to change the national dialogue.

The board of directors and Executive Director Michael Brune share a vision of our future that moves the United States towards 100% clean energy and advocates development of new technology as positive steps towards mitigating climate change.

They encourage us to focus on the possibilities and not the limitations as we work together on this issue. To this end, the board of directors formed a Climate Movement Task Force in the spring of 2013.

The seven-member task force will develop a proposed timeframe to virtually eliminate U.S. greenhouse gas emissions with clean energy solutions.  A fundraising component is also necessary for promoting the Sierra Club’s vision, and for supporting the local chapters and groups as they engage their communities.

A key aspect of this process is its grassroots approach. The task force has collected the thoughts and opinions of Sierra Club members and is developing those ideas into a comprehensive set of recommendations. In January and February, Sierra Club groups discussed specific options for building this movement. The feedback from these discussions will be a valuable tool as the task force continues its work on formulating an effective climate policy for the Sierra Club.

The Sierra Club has been a powerful voice for the environment for more than 100 years, and it is needed now more than ever. This climate crisis will not be ignored, and as Sierra Club President David Scott states:  “It would be unthinkable for the Sierra Club not to rise to that challenge and help create hope.”

For more information on the Climate Movement Task Force click here. 

Michelle Wolfe serves on the Executive Committee of the Iroquois Group.

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