Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29, 2013

Darren SuarezThe Business Council of New York State518-728-4187
Lisa Dix, Sierra Club, 631-235-4988, Lisa.Dix@Sierraclub.org

Business Council, Environmental and Citizen Groups Urge Cleaner, Cheaper Alternatives to Repowering Outdated Dunkirk, Cayuga Coal Plants

Albany, NY - In comments filed today with the Public Service Commission (PSC), business, environmental and citizen groups jointly called for cleaner solutions to replace the outdated Dunkirk and Cayuga coal plants. The PSC is currently deciding whether to approve a costly repowering of the plants or replace the small amount of power generated with transmission upgrades. The groups argue the Commission should investigate other solutions including energy efficiency, renewable power generation and demand response as cleaner and cheaper options that would better serve New York’s businesses and families who will foot the bill for the changes.

 “The Business Council joins with the environmental advocacy community in calling upon the Public Service Commission to place an emphasis on the most efficient and cost-effective solutions when planning for the retirements of Cayuga and Dunkirk power plants to place an emphasis on the most efficient and cost-effective solutions — The Commission should consider the following alternatives including  transmission upgrades and clean energy alternatives such as energy efficiency and demand response that will reduce overall demand, cut waste, reduce energy costs and limit the need for new generation.” said Heather Briccetti  President and CEO of The Business Council of New York State.  “The Commission should reject the current repowering proposals which runs counter to New York’s now  dynamic and competitive energy market where capital costs and associated risks for conventional projects are borne by the developer, not by the ratepayer. Energy market forces and design, have already provided New York consumers with cleaner, more reliable generation, and historically lower wholesale electricity costs.”

“We can’t afford to sink more money into dirty coal of the past. The potential retirement of these coal plants is an opportunity to invest in a healthier future for our kids that we can’t miss out on. Upstate New York has tremendous potential for clean, renewable energy like wind, solar and efficiency that together could cut energy demand, lower electricity prices, create jobs and clean up the air we all breathe,” said Lisa Dix, Senior New York Representative for the Sierra Club.

The Business Council of New York State, Inc., Sierra Club, ACE NY, Earthjustice, Vote Solar Initiative, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Environmental Advocates of New York, and Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP) filed joint comments in PSC Case 12-E-0577.  

Find the comments mentioned in this release by clicking here


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