Fracking funds urgently needed

The Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter urgently needs to raise funds to continue several top priority campaigns to halt all aspects of the hazardous gas drilling process known as hydrofracking  (“fracking”) in New York.

The report detailing our successful Painted Post litigation is just one of the Chapter’s many efforts to combat water contamination related to fracking, and the drilling, storage, and transportation of fracked gas across the state. 

Your tax-free donations will help us:

• Sustain our successful Painted Post court decision.

• Stop the construction of the Spectra Pipeline to bring fracked gas containing high levels of radon into Manhattan and beyond.

• Stop construction of the Constitution Pipeline to bring fracked gas from Pennsylvania and potential NY gas fields to the Capital District.

• Stop the disposal of natural gas wastes in NY landfills, sewage treatment plants, on roads and precious farmland; and avert the contamination of lakes, streams, aquifers and wetlands and other critical natural areas.

• Educate and inform our members, the public and government officials about what must be done to protect our critical resources, our public health, and our economy from fracking.

To contribute to these ongoing efforts, please write a check payable to:
“Sierra Club Foundation,” and write “Atlantic Chapter Fracking Project” on the memo line.

Mail the check to:
Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter
PO Box 886
Syosset, NY 11791-0886

If you wish to donate online, click here. 

Your generous contributions make possible the Atlantic Chapter’s urgently needed work of protecting New York from the toxic and destructive onslaught of fracking.  Thank you.