Chapter needs legal funds to consolidate victories in Adirondacks

In May, the Sierra Club and Protect the Adirondacks won two decisions in the Appellate Division of the NYS Supreme Court in our lawsuit against the proposed mega-development near the hamlet of Tupper Lake, winning a motion to go forward with an appeal on the discovery process, and denying the developer's motion to shorten our time to file our papers.

In the Winter 2013 issue of the Sierra Atlantic, the reasoning for our lawsuit in Tupper Lake was laid out in detail.   We are still accepting donations for the suit as we work to protect New York's incomparably beautiful, biologically critical, wilderness from thoughtless sprawl and poorly managed development.

When you donate to the Adirondack Fund, you help:

  • support legal actions to reign in those who would intentionally ignore, or thoughtlessly misinterpret the rules and regulations of the Adirondack Park Agency;

  • promote one of the Adirondack Committee's primary projects, the creation of wilderness canoe areas and riparian wildlife corridors; and

  • educate Sierra Club members and supporters about the importance of protecting and preserving open space Adirondack lands as "Forever Wild" in keeping with the legacy of Article 14 of the New York State Constitution, approved in 1894. 

Click here to donate to the Adirondack Fund today and thank you for your generosity and help!

If you'd like to make a donation by check, please make the check out to "The Sierra Club Foundation" and on the memo line write: "Adirondack Fund." 
Mail check to: The Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, 353 Hamilton Street, Albany, NY 12210.