Message from the Chair - Spring 2013

With your support, we can do more for NY in 2013

You may have already received your yearly appeal letter in the mail; it is a reminder of how crucial our work in New York continues to be.

Last year’s extreme weather patterns confirmed what we have been saying for quite some time: New York is facing the very real, damaging effects of global climate disruption. The epic natural disaster of Superstorm Sandy brought to light what could become the new normal for the Empire State. If we maintain our addiction to dirty fossil fuels, such as fracked natural gas, imagine the storms that will continue to devastate New York’s vulnerable communities.

New Yorkers cannot afford the devastating costs of our continued dependence on fossil fuels. Water and land contamination, earthquakes, and air pollution are all likely consequences of this addiction. This could destroy our upstate economy, which depends on tourism, wineries, and organic farming.

Thanks to supporters like you, the Atlantic Chapter has been at the forefront in fighting off the use of dirty carbon-based fuels. We have worked tirelessly to block dangerous high-volume fracking in New York.

Any day now, Governor Cuomo could decide whether or not the state will move forward with the proposed plan to turn the Southern Tier, Central New York and the Finger Lakes into fracked industrial zones—with serious health, water quality, and agricultural ramifications for our entire state. And we must be prepared. We must not let up.

The Club’s national agenda leaves only a tiny portion of your membership dues for the Chapter. Therefore, we depend heavily on your direct donations to support our Chapter’s operations, including the work of our top-notch staff, Roger Downs, Caitlin Pixley, and Bobbie Josepher. This once-a-year appeal is the principal way we build a strong grassroots force for the environment in New York. Help us prevent the degradation of our air, water, wildlife, and agriculture, as well as the many threats that could undermine tourism—such an important part of the economy in so many regions of the state.

Any donations our members and supporters make to the Atlantic Chapter will stay with the Chapter to support our work in New York. There are so many critical issues we need to tackle.

To donate, you can use the reply card from your appeal letter, or send a check to Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, PO Box 886, Syosset, NY 11791-0886. You can also donate online.

And as always, the efforts of our many dedicated volunteers make all the difference. Thank you again for all you do to protect New York’s environment