Executive Committee Report - Spring 2013


At its annual organizational meeting in New York City and in telephone conference call meetings, the Atlantic Chapter ExCom elected officers for 2013 and approved the budget for the year.

The Chapter opposed United Water’s proposed desalination plant for Rockland County’s water supply (read more about the plant here) and supported the proposed remedial action plan for the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn.

On energy issues, the ExCom approved litigation that will seek a temporary restraining order and subsequent preliminary injunction prohibiting the DEC from issuing permits for fracking, following the anticipated conclusion of the regulatory process. The Chapter will also undertake a small-market media campaign advocating for energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy (larger markets are already being addressed by the Beyond Coal Campaign).

In administrative matters, the ExCom supported the appeal of Annie Wilson to retain her membership and leadership privileges in the Sierra Club, and called for disclosure to her of all materials supporting the action against her. The Chapter recommends a vote for Jim Dougherty in the upcoming election for the Sierra Club’s board of directors.