Affordable, easy solar for Atlantic Chapter supporters


As efforts to fight climate change accelerate, the Sierra Club is helping members and supporters drop dirty fuels. The Club launched its Solar Homes Campaign a year ago, aimed at catalyzing widespread deployment of clean energy.

Through an innovative partnership with Sungevity, a leading national solar service provider, the Club is able to offer its members and supporters an affordable way to install solar on their rooftops. For every home that goes solar through this program, Sungevity will give the homeowner a $750 bonus, plus $750 to the Chapter for clean energy work and other conservation efforts.

Previously, in order to get solar panels on your home, you would have had to conduct extensive research, hunt for rebates, obtain a permit, and fork out $20,000. That was before the one-stop solar shop.

Residential solar companies such as Sungevity now offer a “solar service” that will install solar panels with no up-front cost, and handle all maintenance and service. The homeowner pays for clean energy with a small monthly bill—which may be less than the household’s current energy bill.

“In order to end our dependence on dirty energy, we need as many Americans as possible to switch to clean energy like rooftop solar. This is a high priority for the Sierra Club. We are urging all of our members and supporters in New York to work with Sungevity to find out if solar is right for them,” said Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune about the program.

It’s a win-win-win. An average Sungevity customer saves 15% on electricity costs by going solar. The Atlantic Chapter will raise money for important campaigns. And more solar will replace coal, natural gas and other dirty fuels as Sierra Club members cut their carbon footprints and collectively help to scale up this key clean energy solution.

What you can do

Visit for a free solar quote. Once you do, Sungevity will contact you to discuss whether solar is right for you. In five minutes, they can give you a really good idea about how much it might save you.