New online publication to improve collaboration

The structure of the Atlantic Chapter's conservation program allows a great deal of work to be done by the Sierra Club in New York, but a lot of this action happens below the surface, unknown to most of our members and the public.  We have a plan to change that with a new online publication.

The conservation program includes the work of more than 20 committees focused on environmental issues at the Chapter level, 11 conservation chairs and other issue chairs working at the local (Group) level, and our Chapter staff in Albany.

The Sierra Atlantic you are reading now offers top notch, in-depth reporting on the biggest stories of the season, but until now and except within the confines of this column, the conservation program has not regularly collected and reported on its own activities.

The conservation program is pleased to offer a new online publication, the Atlantic Action: Atlantic Chapter Conservation News.  The Atlantic Action is a biweekly news source offering brief summaries of conservation activities within the Chapter and its Groups.

The Sierra Atlantic newsletter will continue to offer in-depth environmental reporting on a quarterly basis.

By regularly collecting and sharing news with Chapter and Group conservation activities, we expect to improve efficiency and collaboration within our volunteer and staff structures while making it easier for new volunteers to engage with ongoing efforts.

In the future, we plan to use this informational infrastructure to build our external communications via social and traditional media outlets.  For these efforts we need additional volunteers with expertise in social media and publicity.  If you would like to offer your skills or know someone that would be a good fit, please contact me.

After an initial pair of email distributions to notify all of our members, the Atlantic Action will be sent only to those who subscribe to it, so we are counting on our subscribers to share it and help us add new readers.  If you would like to receive the Atlantic Action: Atlantic Chapter Conservation News, you can opt-in here.  Sign up now and help us build something great!