Rochester, state preserve last two undeveloped Finger Lakes

New York State has completed the purchase of Hemlock and Canadice lakes from the City of Rochester for $13.7 million. The transaction, which has been in the works for more than two years, will protect the last two undeveloped Finger Lakes, which have supplied water to Rochester for more than 130 years.

“This is a legacy for future generations of New Yorkers that will ensure that the pristine lakes and lands surrounding them remain undeveloped, protecting Rochester’s public water supply and guaranteeing that this jewel is preserved forever wild for the enjoyment of visitors and residents,” said Mayor Robert Duffy.

“This is without a doubt the most important land acquisition project the state has undertaken outside of the Adirondack and Catskill Parks in more than a generation,” DEC Commissioner Pete Grannis said.

Of New York’s 11 Finger Lakes, Hemlock Lake and Canadice Lake are the only two with undeveloped shorelines. Since 1876, the lakes have been Rochester’s primary drinking water source.

In 1895, the city recognized the value of protecting the source of its public water supply, and thus began acquiring watershed property adjacent to the lakes. By 1950, the city owned 7,000 acres of critical shoreline property. Cottages and houses were removed.  Agricultural land was replanted to forest.

Two pairs of bald eagles now nest in the watershed, and in the 1970s - when the bald eagle was in serious trouble throughout the United States - the only nest in New York was at Hemlock Lake. The two lakes support a premier cold water trout fishery.

The lakes had been identified as a high priority on the state’s Open Space Conservation Program since its inception in 1992; state acquisition would remove the pressure on the city to sell off the buffer lands for development. Under the terms of the transaction, the state purchased approximately 7,000 acres; the city will retain the use of the lakes.

The DEC will continue property maintenance and preservation that meets or exceeds the city’s current standards. Over the long term, a comprehensive unit management plan will be developed for the property, with extensive public input. That process will likely take two or more years to complete.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has helped to facilitate the transaction. Over the past few years, TNC also has acquired 1,100 acres of sensitive lands in the  watershed.

Hugh Mitchell and other activists in the Rochester Group have fought very hard for years to preserve these lakes.