Group Roundup Winter 2011


Radio spot promotes Group’s anti-fracking website

Hundreds of signatures have been obtained at our tabling events requesting a review of proposed hydrofracking rules. A radio spot has been developed for our local NPR station, referring listeners to our website ( on the topic. The DEC proposes banning fracking in the NYC and Syracuse watersheds, ostensibly due to the lack of water filtrations plants. The real reason is probably that the political fallout to Gov. Cuomo would be catastrophic in NYC where 50% of those polled oppose fracking.

Our Group’s energy committee is energetically working to spread the good news of renewable energy development, utilizing CLEAN contracts (feed-in-tariffs). The committee is developing a white paper to present to other environmental groups, agencies and legislators in the state.

Pam Hughes and others are involved with education and research concerning the emerald ash borer, a real threat to our forests.

We publicly supported the removal of the section of the Robert Moses parkway that runs along the Niagara River north of Niagara Falls. We believe restoring the original habitat in the area would be a tourist attraction.

Our members have spoken at NYS economic hearings, concerning the need to develop renewable energy in place of fossil fuels and nuclear energy.

We also joined in the Cattaraugus Native-American reservation’s activities to demand a complete cleanup of the West Valley nuclear waste dump site.

In November, about eight members of our group attended the DEC hearing on hydrofracking at Dansville and several were able to speak, pointing out the dangers of that process.

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