Executive Committee Report: Summer 2011

by Jim Lane, Chapter Secretary

The Atlantic Chapter ExCom met by telephone conference call on June 12, and adopted a resolution calling on the Sierra Club Board of Directors “to clarify or revise its current policy to give individual chapters the discretion to advocate for a ban (within that chapter’s area of jurisdiction) on the use of hydraulic fracturing to release hydrocarbons such as methane or oil.”


Previously, ExCom met in Albany on April 9, and a month later by telephone conference call.  The ExCom approved two litigation matters: the initiation of a lawsuit challenging the State Forest Management Plan (where the Chapter’s chief concern is the danger of gas drilling in state forests), and an appeal from a court decision in favor of the Indian Point nuclear power plant on fire safety.


The ExCom also created a task force to address issues raised by the proposed Spectra gas pipeline.  In administrative matters, the ExCom approved a Nominating Committee and set a calendar for the annual Chapter election of at-large members of the ExCom.  (See Chapter Calls for Nominations.)


The ExCom approved a wine-tasting and art event for June 23 in New York City to help raise funds for its efforts (See Fundraiser: No Fracking Way!)


Jim Lane, an attorney and member of the New York City Group, is the Chapter’s secretary.