Did you help us get 10 solar roofs?

Recently I asked you to help us reach more people with news about our Solar Homes Program. If you have asked someone to check out the program, thank you!

The Sierra Club has set up a website (https://cafegive.com/chapter_Challenge) to track the solar systems sold to date. We are doing pretty well with 10 contracts signed — only the Massachusetts Chapter (13) and Grand Canyon Chapter (Arizona, 17) outshine us! However, I think we can do better — much, much, better! If you haven't done so yet, just ask someone (or 10 someones) you know to check out our solar lease program — or, even better, do it yourself and then tell everyone how easy it was!


Groups get 50% of the revenue!

At its June 23 ExCom meeting, the Atlantic Chapter voted to split the income for each solar roof contract with the Group in which the roof was installed. That’s $375 unrestricted C4 money to your group per roof! A house party or other group meeting is a great way get people interested. A single informational meeting held by the Iroquois group resulted in a number of contracts. You can also table with the great postcards which we sent out to each Group this spring. (Ask Caitlin in our Albany office if you need more cards. The chapter can help you send out electronic invitations to an event if you need help — all you need to do is name the time and place.)


Share info about the Sierra Club's Solar Roofs program with a neighbor, friend, sister, play-date parent, dog park buddy, etc. (unless they live in Long Island, sorry!). http://content.sierraclub.org/solar/sungevity?ref=11They can get solar through an EASY to do solar lease — no money down, no increase in monthly bills, $1000 cash back if you sign a contract by August 31st (a special for the month of August!), and Sungevity will give $750 to our Chapter for each home that goes solar through this program! Win for them, win for the Sierra Club, win for the planet!


We have 10 sales so far. I think we could easily get 100 if everyone reading this invited just four people to get a quote. And if those four people invited four more...Share with everyone who loves the Earth!


Jessica Helm, Conservation Chair
