Conservation Action: On-Bill Financing makes Energy Retrofits even Greener

by Arthur Kuypers, Chapter Vice-Chair for Conservation

In 2010, the Green Jobs/Green NY Act provided citizens and communities with new tools to cut down on energy bills and reduce household energy use.  The Act provides State agency loans to qualifying borrowers for investment in energy-efficiency upgrades to their homes.  The home efficiency upgrades cut down on home heating and electric bills, and loan payments are more than paid for by the savings.  The remaining savings benefit the homeowner!  Once the loan is fully repaid, all savings accrue to the homeowner, often increasing the value of the property.


An amendment is currently being considered by both legislative chambers that would simplify and strengthen how the Green Jobs/Green NY Act works for homeowners.  The amendment would allow for on-utility-bill financing – that is, the loan would be arranged through the electric provider and the monthly payments would appear on the bill instead of in a separate mailing.  The homeowner would be charged their usual (pre-efficiency upgrade) energy bill, and the difference between their old energy bill and their current energy bill (energy saved) is used to pay down the loan.  In other words, the homeowner doesn’t have to go to the bank for a line of credit, and never has to write a check for the work.


The overall goal of this and other changes is to streamline and simplify the application process.  This will reduce the red tape and make the program more accessible to a larger universe of communities.


In addition to lowering individuals’ utility bills, the Green Jobs/Green NY Act provides for community-based training of local contractors in the skills needed to implement retrofits.  The program therefore increases local employment opportunities and strengthens communities. 


In order to help achieve the critical mass necessary for market transformation, the Sierra Club is championing home energy upgrade programs like these around the country.  Here in NY State, the Atlantic Chapter’s Long Island Group has partnered with the Long Island Progressive Coalition and the town of Babylon to contact potential participants and assist them in applying for energy-efficiency upgrades under the Act.  In Syracuse, our Iroquois group is working with the Center for Working Families and Public Policy & Education Fund (PPEF) to promote a similar program.  To find out more and get involved visit


Arthur Kuypers is the Chapter’s Vice-Chair for Conservation.