Chapter endorses Cuomo for Governor

The Atlantic Chapter is proud to endorse Andrew Cuomo for governor, Tom DiNapoli for comptroller and Eric Schneiderman for attorney general.  We urge all our members to vote for them on November 2.

Cuomo for Governor


There is no question that Andrew Cuomo stands head and shoulders above the other candidates in his qualifications to be governor, based on his record and platform.  

As attorney general, Cuomo successfully litigated to enforce the Clean Air Act. He led a coalition of states in a $4.6 billion settlement requiring American Electric Power to upgrade its power plants, dramatically cutting emissions in the single greatest reduction of air pollution stemming from the enforcement of the Clean Air Act.

Cuomo delivered on his promise to enforce the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's declaration that greenhouse gas pollutants threaten public health and welfare. He pushed for implementation of New York's car emission standards and continues to oppose coal-fired power plants that rely on outdated pollution controls.

The Office of the Attorney General is working hard to stop the relicensing of the aged and polluting Indian Point nuclear power plant. He successfully litigated against toxic waste polluters and against shipping companies discharging water in the Great Lakes without adequate invasive species controls. Cuomo has worked to protect the water supplies of New York City and other communities.

As secretary of the U.S. Department Housing & Urban Development, Cuomo initiated environmental protection in its operations.  He made brownfields redevelopment a top priority and emphasized smart community planning with community input.  Cuomo developed and ran President Clinton's campaign to clean up hazardous lead.

He recently issued a Power NY energy policy that emphasizes energy efficiency and clean energy.  He supports closing the gap in wetlands protection created by the Supreme Court in 2001. Cuomo advocates comprehensive sustainable waste management, creating green jobs and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.


DiNapoli for Comptroller

Tom DiNapoli has been an outstanding protector of the environment as state comptroller starting in 2007 and before that as chair of the NYS Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee.  As chair,  Assemblyman DiNapoli was instrumental in enacting the original groundbreaking Bottle Bill and a major brownfields cleanup and redevelopment reform law.  He fought hard for wetlands protection, curbing sprawl and investing in urban areas, and many other critical environmental laws that passed the Assembly but languished in the Senate until a few were passed after the Democrats took control of the Senate in 2009.    

As comptroller, DiNapoli has undertaken many important green initiatives. His office began auditing the environmental and energy performances of state and local government.  As sole manager of the state and local government pension fund, he has invested these funds in clean tech and renewable energy, and pressed companies to operate sustainably and disclose their impact on greenhouse gases. 


Schneiderman for AG

Throughout his 12 years as a state senator, Eric Schneiderman has been a leading reformer in the Legislature and a strong proponent of environmental justice, sustainable development and climate change solutions.  In spite of Albany's chronic dysfunction, Senator Schneiderman has consistently risen above the fray, speaking out against governmental fraud and for transparency.

As a member of the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee, he has been a powerful advocate for the moratorium on gas drilling, the Bigger Better Bottle Bill, expanded wetlands protection, SEQRA standing and green jobs.

The environmental community has relied on his eloquence for years to clearly explain its priorities to an often indifferent legislature.  His presence on the floor of the Senate will be missed, but the Chapter is excited by the reform agenda he will bring to the Office of the Attorney General.