Call for Chapter ExCom At-Large Seats

The chapter is governed by an Executive Committee (ExCom) of twenty-seven members, eighteen of whom are appointed annually by regional groups. Nine At-Large delegates are elected by the membership annually and serve for two years. The chair, vice-chair, secretary, and treasurer are designated officers of the ExCom. Currently, there are four At-Large seats that will need to be filled for the upcoming 2-year term.  New nominees are very welcome; Sierra Club members are all encouraged to run.  Please see below for details on running for an At-Large Seat on the Chapter ExCom.  

  • The Nominating Committee shall make a report, with its initial list of candidates, on or before August  29th.
  • Any prospective candidate who submits his or her name by August 20th shall be guaranteed a response from the Nominating Committee by August 29th.
  • The Nominating Committee may nominate additional candidates after its initial report, until the deadline for the submission of petitions.
  • Petitions  for ExCom candidates, not nominated by the committee must be received by Sept 10th.
  • Sept 10th is also the deadline for the receipt of ballot statements from all candidates. 
  • The deadline for the receipt of ballots shall be set by the ExCom or by the Steering Committee.

Please respond to: 
Susan Leifer, chair of the Nominating committee,, and Bobbie Josepher,