20 groups fighting Hudson River desalination plant

The Atlantic Chapter urges members to call Governor Cuomo and tell him to stop the proposed construction of a massive desalination plant on a Hudson River bay!

A desalination plant is proposed for Rockland County’s water supply.  This massive industrial facility would be sited in a critical habitat in Haverstraw Bay, one of the most richly productive habitats on the Hudson River!  Haverstraw Bay is officially designated as irreplaceable habitat for Hudson River and Atlantic coastal fisheries, including endangered Atlantic sturgeon.

We are hearing that the governor wants approval, possibly as early as mid-July.  Meanwhile, 24,000 citizens have signed petitions in opposition to this proposal.  Hundreds of people had to be turned away from the overflow public hearing.  Key elected officials have proposed sustainable alternatives.  We are turning back to the public now to help stop this proposal from being railroaded through!

What’s wrong with this proposal?

A coalition of 20 environmental groups, including the Atlantic Chapter, Riverkeeper, Scenic Hudson, and Clearwater, has come together in opposition to this proposal. A highly energy intensive process, desalination would also substantially increase our energy use and greenhouse gas emissions at a time when we urgently need to reduce our energy use to combat climate change!  This plant would set a dangerous precedent for the wet Northeast, tracking us away from sustainable land use and sensible water conservation and efficiency measures.  In addition, this plant is sited 3.5 miles downstream from Indian Point nuclear power plant, which is leaking radionuclides into the river, and could expose Rockland residents to unnecessary health risks.

Act now!  Call Governor Cuomo: (518) 474-8390

Or e-mail today: gov.cuomo@chamber.state.ny.us

Sample message: 

“My name is ____ and I live in ______.  I urgently call on Governor Cuomo to stop the desalination proposal for Rockland County, sited for Irreplaceable Habitat in the Hudson River from moving ahead.  I strongly oppose the proposed desalination plant, joining 24,000 New York State citizens who have signed petitions against this proposal!

“I urge Governor Cuomo to put the breaks on this dangerous proposal which would permanently lock in increased greenhouse gas emissions, counter to New York State’s urgently needed climate change goals. 

“I call on the Governor to support sustainable alternatives which would strengthen our local and regional economy, create green jobs, and would protect Haverstraw Bay, one of the jewels of the Hudson River!”

For more information on this issue, go to sustainablerockland.org.

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