2017 AtLarge Excom Election

Results for the 2017 At Large ExCom Elections:
Each of these individuals was elected to serve a 2-year term as an At Large delegate to the Atlantic Chapter Executive Committee (ExCom):

  • Ellen Banks
  • Don Hughes
  • Charles Bowman
  • Mary Finneran
  • Hal Bauer


To vote online click here, or click the button below:

You will need your VoterID, found on the mailing label of your Fall 2017 Sierra Atlantic newsletter. It is the five (5) digit number printed directly above your name on the address label. The number will have no leading zeros (0). If you have a joint membership, you will have two VoterIDs printed above your name. Use each code only once. Please contact atlantic.chapter@sierraclub.org with questions. The online ballot is open from November 27, 2017 - January 12, 2018. 

Below are the unedited statements from candidates running for at-large delegate seats to the Chapter's Executive Committee (ExCom). To vote for up to five candidates, use the ballot on your print Sierra Atlantic, or click the link above.

Click candidates' names for their bios: