[insider] Sept 9) One Million Letters, Death Valley Heat, Big Oil Bailout, and More ...[more]

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| 2020 Election |

Sign, Sealed, Delivered

The most meaningful thing we can do right now about tackling climate change is make Donald Trump a one-term president. To do that, we need to get out the vote. Studies show that receiving a personalized letter increases one's likelihood of voting, so we're writing to voters in priority states who we believe are motivated by environmental issues but frequently don’t vote. Our goal is to write and send one million handwritten letters before November 3.

Join our letter-writing team today.

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Photo by iStock.com/wellesenterprises
| Michael Brune |

Do Your Job, Senators

In their response to the twin crises of the pandemic and the economic recession, Senate Republicans are practicing what writer Alex Steffen calls “a politics of predatory delay.” For nearly four months, the Mitch McConnell–led Senate has failed to take up comprehensive COVID-19 relief legislation, and they just allowed enhanced unemployment benefits the Trump administration borrowed from FEMA to expire.

“Their plan was not to have a plan,” says Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune.

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Photo by Kevin McMullen
| Sierra Magazine |

“A Million Blow-Dryers”

That's how Katie O’Reilly, Sierra magazine’s adventure and lifestyle editor, described Death Valley on August 16. "It was a sensation far from pleasant on my skin," she recalls. What she didn't know yet was that she was experiencing the hottest temperature ever reliably recorded on earth.

And it was just the capper to a week of “bizarrely horrifying weather.”

Read more and watch the video!
Photo by James Rodríguez
| Sierra Magazine | Video |

Failing Harvests Driving Central American Families North

When the April harvest failed last year, Guatemalan farmers Ronny and Lleny Suleyma Escobar de Herrera decided that for the sake of their two young daughters, their best option was to go north and try their luck in the United States. When they set out in early May, they knew the journey would likely be harrowing.

It was 3 AM. The coyote was waiting.

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Photo by iStock.com/Zhengzaishuru
| Sierra Magazine |

Trump Pilfering Pandemic Funds to Bail Out Big Oil

The Trump administration is diverting billions of dollars earmarked for COVID-19 relief money to bail out the oil industry. Adding insult to injury, many of the companies reaping these siphoned billions are padding the bank accounts of top-level execs while slashing jobs and benefits.

And Senate Republicans want to make the situation even worse.

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Photo by Minesh Bacrania
| Sierra Magazine |

Smokestacks or Backpacks?

For generations, the economy of Farmington, New Mexico, has been tied to the extractive industries. But after an economic near-collapse, the city is trying to rebrand itself as a haven for retirees and a hub for outdoor adventure enthusiasts.

Jonathan Thompson, a journalist who grew up in the Four Corners region, observes Farmington’s struggle to reinvent itself.

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Photo by iStock.com/Kremll
| Sierra Magazine |

Mutually Assured Destruction Redux

The biggest nuclear arms budget ever is nearing approval in Congress, and the Trump administration has raised the possibility of resuming nuclear testing. Meanwhile, momentum to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons has faltered.

Find out how nuclear arms are making a comeback.

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Photo by iStock.com/Andrei Stanescu
| Take Action |

And While You're in a Letter-Writing Frame of Mind...

These are hard times, what with the pandemic, the recession, ongoing police brutality against people of color, and the existential specter of climate change. The House has passed bills or released plans in recent months to address these crises, but the Senate has ignored them all. It may seem old-fashioned, but one of the most effective ways to get the attention of your elected officials is to write a letter.

Use this form to tell your senators what’s on your mind, share with them how you and your community are doing, and ask them to do their job.

Take action!
Photo by iStock.com/dell640
| Take Action |

Stop Trump's Do-Nothing Plan for Smog

Smog—fog or haze mixed with airborne pollutants—disproportionately harms Black, Indigenous, and Latinx communities; it's a vestige of redlining and environmental racism that continues to this day. The Trump administration is content to keep in place current weak smog standards, even though medical and scientific experts say they fail to adequately protect public health.

Submit an official public comment telling your story about how air quality affects you and your community.

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Photo by iStock.com/jetcityimage
| Take Action |

Neither Snow nor Rain nor Donald Trump...

The Postal Service is our country's most popular agency, yet even this institution isn’t safe from Trump’s meddling. The House recently passed a bill to supply the Postal Service with $25 billion in direct emergency relief. Have you experienced delays getting your mail? Let your senators know, and tell them how vitally important it is that the Postal Service be fully funded and operational on Election Day.

Film your story and submit your video from your computer or phone; we’ll show you how.

Check it out today!
Photo courtesy of SunPower
| Sierra Club Business Partnership |

Thinking About Going Solar?

Our partner, SunPower, makes it easy. When you make the switch to solar through this partnership, SunPower will give you a $1,000 rebate and contribute $1,000 to the Sierra Club each time one of our members or supporters goes solar.

Get started today with a free online solar consultation.

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / Sierra Club's "Insider" Newsletter. . .

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