[noise pollution] The Air Force's F-35 "Final Environmental Impact Statement" -- shared by Gary Hunter ... [more]

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / Blog on Noise Pollution. . .

 Email from Gary Hunter = "F-35s and Tucson"... (Aug 18, 2020)

The Air Force has just released its Final Environmental Impact Statement, which describes the consequences of basing a squadron of F-35s at Davis-Monthan. 
The three volumes of the EIS total 1,518 pages.  It’s slightly more entertaining than the IRS Tax Code.  If you’re interested, the EIS is available online at:
On September 21, the Air Force will release a Record of Decision.  The ROD will tell us whether this squadron of F-35s will be based at Davis-Monthan, or at one of three other bases. 
Even if the squadron is assigned to one of the other bases, we cannot relax.  The current EIS covers only one specific F-35 squadron.  In the next several years, dozens of additional new F-35 squadrons will look for homes, and D-M will be a prime candidate for each of them.
We must do all we can to ensure the Air Force understands that F-35s will never be welcome in Tucson.  We can begin now.  We can object to the Final EIS, which  fails to correct many of the deficiencies that we Tucsonans had identified in the Draft EIS.
The Air Force does not seek comments on the Final EIS, but it’s obligated to consider statements we submit prior to release of the ROD.  Let’s tell the Air Force that the EIS remains flawed, despite our earlier comments.  Let’s pressure the Air Force to prepare a Supplementary EIS (a legal term), to correct the deficiencies.
With your help, we will keep our residential neighborhoods quiet and livable
-- Gary Hunter -- garyahunter@gmail.com


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(The deficiencies listed are not comprehensive -- but are merely representative of the flaws in the Final Impact Statement.)

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / Blog on Noise Pollution. . .

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