[op-ed] "Why Write a Letter to the Editor?" [more]

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Why write a letter to the editor?

The letters page is still among the most closely read part of the newspaper, as well as where many policy makers look to judge public opinion. It is an easy way to share your concerns about an issue, promote an issue or idea, amplify a message, and/or encourage action. Writing a letter, unlike a full opinion piece, takes a relatively short amount of time, but can help make a difference in the work we do.

What should I include in my letter to the editor?

● Focus on one important point (don’t try to address several issues in one letter).
● Maximize your chance of being published by removing every non-essential word. For example, “I think...”
● Use verified facts
● Create immediacy by indicating how readers will be affected by the issue you address
● Point people to a source for more information or to engage in action
● If you have a particular expertise, include that (e.g. “As a mom...” or “As a teacher....”)

What should I avoid in my letter to the editor?

● Try not to overstate or exaggerate the point
● Do not insult people whose opinions you do not share
● Avoid jargon or acronyms
● Do not use all caps or bold to emphasize a word. Italicized words may sometimes be used, although they may not print that way.

How do I submit a letter to the editor?

Arizona Daily Star submit page:
160 word limit

Some additional letter resources.

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / Blog on "Letters to Op-Ed" / . . .

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