[hitched] July 20) "Leading the EV Charge"...[more]

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / Sierra Club's "Hitched" Newsletter. . .


As people across the country protest in defense of Black lives, the Sierra Club recognizes the need to dismantle systemic racism in the United States and within our own organization. We must reckon with how white supremacy -- both past and present -- has shaped our institutions and do the critical anti-racism work necessary to repair the harm done. The environmental movement does not exist in a vacuum, and it is our responsibility to use our power to help abolish systemic racism, which is destroying lives, communities, and the planet.

Want your successes highlighted in Hitched? Email hitched@sierraclub.org 


CORONAVIRUS UPDATE- Campfire has an official COVID-19 page with regularly updated information about the Sierra Club’s response for staff and volunteers. There is also an external-facing Sierra Club COVID-19 response page.

 SELF-CARE- Here are some self-care tips to help you avoid burnout -- please take care of yourselves! 

HOW ARE YOU SHOWING UP THIS WEEK? White folks, how are you educating yourselves and showing up for Black people and all people of color? Utilize the Equity and Inclusion Department’s equity resource section -- and if you’ve got other great resources you’ve found, send them to us and we’ll share them!

A beautiful post-storm sky over Everglades National Park. Photo courtesy of the National Park Service.

A SHINY NEW CAMPFIRE- Check out the newly redesigned Campfire website! Congrats to all those who helped make it even sleeker and easier to use.

DON’T LEAVE THEM ON READ- Send a great big huge congrats to all the Sierra Club staff and volunteers who helped make this happen: The Sierra Club peer-to-peer Hustle text team just reached SEVEN MILLION TEXTS SENT to get folks educated on and involved with the 2020 election!

ANNIVERSARY ACTION- The Sierra Club Nuclear Free Core Team is commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings with action

RUNNING OUT OF GAS ON CAR PUNS- Clean Transportation for All campaign representative Rebekah Whilden appeared on a Charlotte, NC TV station last week to talk about Lyft's recent announcement committing to 100% electric vehicle rides by 2030.

FACEPALM- The Trump administration’s terrible environmental standard rollbacks continue. Last week they finalized the plan to gut the National Environmental Policy Act.

Quarantine hair like... (photo courtesy of the National Park Service).

OUTDOORS FOR ALL- Last week The Washington Post published an article on the Great American Outdoors Act that quotes Joel Pannell, associate director of Sierra Club's Outdoors for All campaign.

GOOD NEWS- Last week Daelim Chemical withdrew its support and investment from the 10 billion dollar PTT Global Chemical ethane cracker project in Belmont County, Ohio. Congrats to all the Appalachian region activists who helped fight this project!

SHUFFLE OFF THIS MORTAL OIL- Beyond Dirty Fuels director Kelly Sheehan Martin wrote a great op-ed in The Hill about how grassroots movements are defeating the oil industry.

DO THE WORK- Please read Sierra Club organizing manager Jocelyn Travis's new blog about community dialogues and the power of organizing to advance environmental and racial justice, both in the world and within the Sierra Club and the larger environmental movement.

IT’S ELECTRIC! BOOGIE WOOGIE! Last week the New York Department of Public Service released an order for a “make ready” incentive program, allocating over $700 million in incentives for utilities to invest in electric-vehicle charging across the state and to expand workplace and public electric-vehicle charging stations.

WELCOME- Send a warm Sierra Club welcome to Carolyn Morrisroe, the new deputy press secretary for the Living Economy Program.


The COVID-19 crisis has not passed and continues to disproportionately harm Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people and other communities of color. The pandemic has revealed how the communities hardest hit are often the same communities that suffer from high levels of pollution and poor access to healthcare. The fight for environmental justice cannot be separated from the fight for racial justice.

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / Sierra Club's "Hitched" Newsletter. . .

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