[hitched] July 13) "The Bear-er of Good News"...[more]

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / Sierra Club's "Hitched" Newsletter. . .


As people across the country protest in defense of Black lives, the Sierra Club recognizes the need to dismantle systemic racism in the United States and within our own organization. We must reckon with how white supremacy -- both past and present -- has shaped our institutions and do the critical anti-racism work necessary to repair the harm done. The environmental movement does not exist in a vacuum, and it is our responsibility to use our power to help abolish systemic racism, which is destroying lives, communities, and the planet.

Want your successes highlighted in Hitched? Email hitched@sierraclub.org 


CORONAVIRUS UPDATE- Campfire has an official COVID-19 page with regularly updated information about the Sierra Club’s response for staff and volunteers. There is also an external-facing Sierra Club COVID-19 response page.

ANTI-PIPELINE POWER- Last week saw some major victories against pipelines in the US. First, the Atlantic Coast pipeline was canceled! Then a judge dealt a blow to the Keystone XL pipeline! And then, another judge dealt a serious blow to the Dakota Access pipeline! Congrats to all who are working against these pipelines! Read a roundup of these victories and movements by Beyond Dirty Fuels director Kelly Sheehan Martin.

ANOTHER WIN- Last week the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with the Sierra Club that coal plants shouldn't circumvent the Clean Air Act, no matter what Trump's EPA says.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR EQUITY THIS WEEK? White folks, how are you educating yourselves and showing up for Black people and all people of color? Don’t forget about the Equity and Inclusion Department’s equity resource section.

Are you eating enough greens these days? Please take good care of yourselves! Pika photo courtesy of Yellowstone National Park.

SOLIDARITY- The last weekend in May, the Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe of Texas, the Gulf Center for Law and Poverty, and Gulf South for a Green New Deal hosted an Indigenous-led People’s Tribunal for Human Rights in Floresville, Texas, about half an hour southeast of San Antonio. The Sierra Club’s Lone Star chapter helped sponsor the event. Learn more from Christopher Basaldú , PhD, a Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribal member and Sierra Club organizing manager based in Brownsville, Texas.

TRUMP’S MONUMENTAL FAILURE- Javier Sierra, the Sierra Club associate director of communications for Latino media, has a new column out monuments and Trump

INCLUSION IN THE OUTDOORS- ABC News ran a powerful story last week on racism and inclusion in the outdoors, and it features Joel Pannell, associate director of the Sierra Club Outdoors for All campaign.

THE BEAR NECESSITIES- The Sierra Club, conservation groups, and several Tribal Nations secured a major win in court last week when a judge ordered the Trump administration to go back to the drawing board in its effort to rescind protections for grizzly bears. This means the grizzly -- sacred to several Tribes and a vital part of the Yellowstone ecosystem -- will remain listed as endangered. 

PPP-OINTLESS- “Federal aid should be going to help small businesses and frontline workers struggling as the result of the pandemic, not the corporate polluters whose struggles are a result of long-standing failing business practices,” said Melinda Pierce, Sierra Club legislative director in a Guardian article about fossil fuel companies getting billions in COVID-19 bailout money.

NATURAL GAS AIN’T NATURAL- National director of campaigns Mary Anne Hitt is quoted in this New York Times article about renewables vs. fracked gas.

TWO PASTORS AND A RABBI ENTER A WEBINAR- Last week Sierra Club Vermont hosted a webinar entitled “Building Hope Through Faith During the Racial, Health, and the Environmental Crisis” with several faith leaders. You can watch it here.

THE LATEST EDITION OF SIERRA MAGAZINE- The July/August issue of Sierra magazine is now out and chock full of excellent articles you should check out.

CROP IT LIKES IT’S HOT- Sierra Club senior graphic designer Josh DeWare has his photos featured in this New York Times wedding article!


The COVID-19 crisis has not passed and continues to disproportionately harm Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people and other communities of color. The pandemic has revealed how the communities hardest hit are often the same communities that suffer from high levels of pollution and poor access to healthcare. The fight for environmental justice cannot be separated from the fight for racial justice.

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / Sierra Club's "Hitched" Newsletter. . .

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