[hitched] June 15) "Working From Home"...[more]

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / Sierra Club's "Hitched" Newsletter. . .

Want your successes highlighted in Hitched? Email hitched@sierraclub.org 


COVID-19 UPDATE- Campfire has an official COVID-19 page with regularly updated information about the Sierra Club response for staff and volunteers. There is also an external-facing Sierra Club COVID-19 response page.

CONFEDERATE SYMBOLS ARE POLLUTION- Joel Pannell, the associate director of the Sierra Club’s Outdoors for All campaign, is quoted in this Earther article about Confederate statues and symbols being a form of pollution.

EQUITY LANGUAGE GUIDE- As you’re working your way through the resource section of the Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Department’s page on Campfire, be sure to utilize the Equity Language Guide as well!

RACIAL EQUITY JUSTICE TRAINING- The Sierra Club Trainings Unit has some excellent training opportunities coming up! For example, check out the “Racial Equity for Energy Justice Cohort Training Series” -- The Ready for 100 campaign will be offering a four-part webinar series designed as an opportunity for white folks to deepen their understanding of, and commitment to, racial justice, in a supportive, caring environment. To be accepted into this cohort, you must be doing Ready for 100 work and able to commit to being present for all four webinars in their entirety. There is space for 20 participants. Please fill out this application by June 15. The schedule of webinars that you will be committing to is as follows:

  • Thursday, June 25 3-5 pm ET

  • Thursday, July 23 3-5 pm ET

  • Thursday, Aug 20 3-5 pm ET

  • Thursday, September 17 3-5 pm ET

For more details, check out this POP (purpose, outcomes, and process) doc. If you have any questions, contact Liza Smith, RF100 training specialist,.

Please take care of yourselves these days. Even just looking at photos of nature can help you relax. Enjoy this photo of Grand Teton National Park courtesy of the National Park Service.

THE LATEST FROM JAVIER SIERRA- Check out the new column from Javier Sierra, associate director of communications for Latino media.

TAKING ACTIVISM ONLINE- The National Water Sentinels Water Affordability Online Conference is September 11-13, 2020. The conference is six online Zoom calls for Sierra Club activists (new and current), staff, and active partners of frontline communities from areas that are working or anticipate working to provide affordable water rates for safe drinking water and to meet clean water standards. For more information and to sign up, email Debbie Neustadt.

WHO NEEDS SOME GOOD NEWS? High five to all the awesome Beyond Dirty Fuels staff and activists working against the Sea Port Oil Terminal proposed for the Texas Gulf Coast by the Enterprise company. Last week they submitted more 17,000 public comments opposing the project’s draft environmental impact statement to the US Coast Guard and Maritime Administration.  

Please enjoy this relaxing photo of a sunset in Yellowstone National Park. Photo courtesy of the National Park Service.

YOU USED TO CALL ME ON MY CELL PHONE- Staff and volunteers for the Sierra Club political team are texting, calling, and writing letters to get good election results:

Text Team: This week the text team passed 4,277,000 texts sent! The goal is to send 1,000,000 more in June. Folks can join the Text Team here.

Call Team: The team passed 190,000 voter ID calls last week. You can sign up for all shifts here. They start each shift with a Zoom Webinar training!  

Letter Writing Team: Our total letters claimed is now at 70,639! Our June goal is to hit 125,000 letters claimed. You can join the letter-writing team here.

FAREWELL- Send your best wishes to Taj Ainlay. After ten years, he’s stepping down as chair of the Sierra Club Southern Nevada Group.



Rincon Group / Our Blogs / Sierra Club's "Hitched" Newsletter. . .

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