[welcome] "Equity, Inclusion, and Justice" within Sierra Club [more]

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / Welcome Blog. . .

Vital Article = "The Green Movement Is Talking About Racism? It's About Time"...

 Click to open Sierra Club's webpage -- on "Equity, Inclusion, and Justice"...

"This is just the beginning of a long journey for Sierra Club -- by centering our key principles of equity, justice and inclusion -- in every aspect of our work, we aim to transform ourselves -- and build a healthy, welcoming and sustainable community -- that celebrates people from all walks of life."

~~ Nellis Kennedy-Howard -- Director Of The Department Of Equity, Inclusion, And Justice


Resources For Learning and Taking Action
Below are organizations working for justice and equity for Black people and people of color, and environmental organziations run by people of color that you can get to know and support.

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / Welcome Blog. . .

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