[energy] Tell Arizona Regulators: "We Need A Just Transition To Clean Energy"...[more]

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Submit your comment to support Tucson's just transition to clean energy!

Tucson Electric Power's (TEP) proposal to increase rates on customers to fund dirty fossil fuels is still on the table. Earlier this year, nearly 800 Arizonans wrote the utility and Arizona regulators asking for a commitment to affordable, clean energy and low rates.
Now, during the COVID-19 crisis, we have a responsibility to engage again and call for protections for our air, climate, and economy. Click here to take action!

Support Just Transition

Can you imagine a world where everything in Tucson runs on clean energy? I can, because that is exactly what we have been advocating for -- the Sierra Club, partner organizations, and individuals have been working together for a 100% clean energy future, and we're making progress.

But the COVID-19 pandemic has made clear that we must also envision a future where frontline communities and economies can prosper and benefit from renewable energy.

That's why Navajo and Hopi Tribal leaders and Indigenous grassroots groups are calling on Tucson Electric Power and the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) to fund a just transition away from coal plants.

You can support this transition now by sending a message to the ACC asking commissioners to support coal-impacted communities and clean energy!

The Navajo Nation and Indigienous communities have been hit particularly hard by COVID-19. Utilities like Tucson Electric Power that have benefited from these dirty coal plants have an obligation to help communities that have lived in the shadow of coal plants for decades, at the expense of their public health and environment.

It's time for TEP and the ACC to be held accountable. There are more coal plants in Arizona that must be retired to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.

Please tell the ACC to ensure that the utilities are accountable to the Navajo Nation and Hopi Tribe!

Thanks for taking action,
Catalina Ross

TEP is holding an online meeting on May 20 to take public input on its future energy plans. Click here to RSVP so we can add more pressure for a just transition to a clean energy future.

As we all deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to let you know how the Sierra Club is adapting and responding so we can keep doing the important work of helping our communities, protecting our natural environment and fighting for a just, clean energy future.

Rincon Group / Our Blogs / Blog on Energy / . . .

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